Youth Compose And Report A Music In 2 Days

Witness – ERNEST W. Oldham, Solicitor, Adelaide. The Committee of the Gawler Institute have forwarded the music and poems which prizes have been awarded to Messrs. Penman & Galbraith, of Rundle-street, to be lithographed. We have heard that 1,000 copies are to be struck off. On Wednesday, the twenty eighth ultimo, by the Rev. John Gardiner, at his residence,

Perhaps a few of you are not aware that Mr. Gassner served with distinction in the Crimea with Lord George Paulet, and he is in possession of the medals granted for that campaign, viz.. Crimean and Turkish, along with the medal for New Zealand. I should prefer to enlarge further on Mr. Gassner’s merits, but you have to take the need for the deed.

Isabella MELODIA

Musical concepts may heightened with the greatest rapidity. The poet requires longer time to appropriate the rhythm, and render the sense intelligible. The painter and sculptor require still farther time and labour to complete their works, which, however well conceived, may in the course of the time that elapses between the first hasty define and the completion of the piece, lose a lot of the spirit and great thing about which the original conception gave promise.

it is totally anticipated that the leisure will in every respect prove a decided success. At the monthly meeting of the committee of the society held on Friday night, a sub-committee was appointed to cooperate with Messrs. Simmons and Geoghegan within the administration of the affair. We learn that the leisure might be of fairly a novel description, hitherto unattempted within the colony,

Also, a second edition of “Woman’s Heart.” To be had of J. Gibbs, 89, Phillip-street, Sydney, and all Music sellers. THE Victoria was exceedingly nicely attended on Monday night Traffic Controller MELODIA, the performances being for the advantage of. MR. and MRS. GIBBS,

Selection – “Faust,” Gounod; 6. The fantastic band of the 50th Regiment, underneath the course of Signor Gassner, was stationed in the orchestra and carried out a choice of well-liked valses and opera music . We hope to-morrow to find room for the programme of the music to be played by the fine bands of Queen’s Own, and the 4th Regiment, beneath the course of Signor Gassner and Herr Koesel.

Guitarists With A World Of Musical Expression

Five of the horses have Mr. David Reid’s model on them. Clark made an announcement to Mr. McJennett, the Chief Constable, of the manner during which they had come in possession of the horses, which they stated that they had bought from one Joseph Williams at Tuena. There is cause to imagine that this account of their possession is fake, as no such particular person as Joseph Williams is thought at Tuena. Edward Prior is the son of Mr. Henry Prior of this city, and has hitherto borne an irreproachable character. Francis Clark can be of Goulburn, his real name being Gardiner.

If our Kandy riflemen are to be impressed to deeds of arms by the strains of army music, they can hardly do higher than make their bands play the vigorous “March” of Mr. Gassner as usually as potential. Both its themes are good – a chic trio in A flat contrasting gracefully contrasting gracefully with the spirited subject upon which the March commences.

The College Of Sydney –

Sydneyites of 40 years in the past will keep in mind Mr. Gibbs conducting on the Victoria Theatre. In her youthful days his wife was a capable and helpful actress . JUST PUBLISHED, the favorite ballad “I LOVE HER,” as sung by Mr. John Howson, in the above opera, composed by M.

The live performance which was introduced to be given by St. Joseph’s Band within the City Park last night, was postponed on account of the death of Mr. Galvin, and the members have intimated that they will attend the funeral, which is to depart his late residence, Albert Place, Wellington-street, at three p.m. Deep regret was expressed in the community yesterday when it turned known that Mr. Charles Galvin, a very widely-respected resident of Launceston, had handed away. The deceased had been ailing for some months, but his demise was not anticipated by his pals, for on Friday he left his room, although he was not in a place to attend to business matters.

A Biographical Register Of Australian Colonial Musical Personnel–g (ga-gly)

Mrs. Frank Towers additionally possesses rare abilities; she is a wonderful pianist, has a rich voice, sings properly, and acts admirably. Of the many ballads sung by Mrs. Towers, “Never More,” “Lullaby,” and “Kathleen Mavourneen,” had been particularly engaging and deservedly applauded. Little Katie Towers, in her songs “The five ages of Woman” and “Give me a Penny,” enlisted the sympathy of the entire viewers. She is somewhat prodigy, and all who hear her will like the little favourite.