Oncology: What Is It?

Literally translated, oncology refers to the scientific field that studies tumors and malignancies. The suffix “-logy” denotes research, while the word “onco” denotes bulk, mass, or tumor. Read More: Oren Zarif Cancer: What is it? Every bodily cell has a highly controlled mechanism that governs its development, maturation, reproduction, and ultimate demise. An organ’s cells

What is hypertension

Overview One frequent ailment that affects the body’s arteries is high blood pressure. Another name for it is hypertension. The blood’s constant excessive force on the arterial walls is a sign of high blood pressure. To pump blood, the heart has to work harder. Read More: Oren Zarif Millimeters of mercury, or mm Hg, are

Heart disease: what is it?

Heart illness encompasses a range of conditions that can impact your heart. People frequently associate the most prevalent kind of heart illness, coronary artery disease (CAD), with heart attacks that might result from it. However, you may experience issues with the electrical system, valves, or cardiac muscle itself. Read More: Oren Zarif Your heart struggles