Advantages and Dangers of Lymph Drainage Massage

Because of its possible health advantages, Lymphatic Drainage and Detox massage has grown in popularity. The lymphatic system, a component of the immune system, is the focus of this mild type of massage. A water-like substance called lymph is transported or drained from other areas of your body into your circulation via the organs, arteries, and tissues that make up your lymph system.

If you have lymphedema—a condition in which lymph fluid does not return to your blood as it should and instead remains in other places of your body—lymphatic drainage massage is particularly beneficial. The most common places for lymphedema to occur are the arms or legs. There are several causes of lymphedema, such as:

Genetic illnesses



Treatment for cancer


Moving the lymph fluid and reducing the edema it creates can be accomplished by massage. A massage that promotes lymphatic drainage may be soothing if you’re generally in good condition. However, it is unlikely to significantly enhance your health.

The System of Lymph

An essential component of your immune system is your lymphatic system. It shields you from infections and maintains the proper balance of bodily fluids.

Extra lymph fluid that seeps into your tissues from microscopic blood arteries (capillaries) is drained via your lymphatic channels, collecting ducts, tissues, and organs. You will have excess fluid in your tissues if your lymphatic system is malfunctioning or obstructed.

Additionally, your lymphatic system consists of:

bone marrow. Your bones’ spongy, soft substance produces blood cells.

Thymus. This organ in your chest is where immune T cells develop.

Adenoids and tonsils. Germs in food and air are captured by these structures in your throat and nasal passages.

Spleen. Old or damaged cells are removed from your blood by this large lymphatic organ located above your stomach and beneath your ribcage.

nodes of lymph. As your lymph fluid passes through these glands in your neck, armpits, and groin, viruses or germs are filtered out.

MALT stands for mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue. Finding and eliminating germs is aided by the thin mucous membrane that lines your tonsils, lungs, small intestine, and appendix.

The advantages of massage with lymphatic drainage

When you have lymphedema, lymphatic drainage massage can assist release stored fluid. In addition to other methods, your lymphedema expert may employ manual lymph draining, such as:


Stockings, sleeves, or compression bandages

A sleeve that applies pressure to your arms or legs by inflating and deflating (sequential pneumatic compression)

Lymphedema is common in patients recovering from breast cancer surgery. Following a mastectomy, which removes breast tissue to cure or prevent breast cancer, lymphedema can be modest to moderately relieved with a lymph drainage massage.

Managing other medical concerns

Other health issues may also be treated with lymphatic drainage massage. The massage may help some problems more than others.

According to studies, lymphatic massage can help with the following conditions:

inflammation caused by rheumatism. As your rheumatoid arthritis worsens, you can experience impaired lymph flow. Tissue edema is accompanied by increased joint discomfort, joint dysfunction, and skin color changes. These later-stage rheumatoid arthritis symptoms can be lessened by lymph drainage massage.

CVI, or chronic venous insufficiency. When the vein walls or valves in the legs don’t function properly, it’s known as chronic venous insufficiency. Because of this, it is difficult for blood to return from the legs to the heart.For those with CVI, lymphatic drainage massage can assist speed up blood flow.

Following the massage, the femoral artery, which is the big artery in the thigh, may function better. The duration of this effect and whether the massage offers long-term pain and edema reduction are unknown. The effectiveness of this massage technique on CVI would be better understood with additional study in this field.

fibromyalgia. Fibromyalgia sufferers may benefit from lymph drainage massage. This disorder results in tissue swelling, skin pigmentation, and inflammation of the skin’s nerves. It has been demonstrated that the massage is more effective than connective tissue massage in alleviating sadness, stiffness, and enhancing the quality of life for fibromyalgia sufferers.

lipedema. This is the term for the condition known as lymphedema, which occurs when fat in the lower body prevents lymph from passing via the lymphatic system.

Lymphatic Drainage Massage Types

Doctors, physical therapists, and massage therapists all frequently utilize one of four forms of lymphatic drainage massage. These include.

Vodder. This method involves your therapist using a variety of sweeping strokes throughout the region they are treating.

Foldi. Foldi, a variation on the Vodder method, calls for your massage therapist to switch between relaxing moments and circular hand strokes.

Smith, Casley. Circular hand movements, primarily with the palms and sides of the hands, are another component of this lymphatic massage technique.

Leduc. This method collects lymph fluid using hand movements and then reroutes it into the wider lymphatic system.

These methods all function in a similar manner. They stretch and manipulate the skin in the direction of lymph flow using light motions. The limb closest to your body must be the starting point for the strokes, which must then go outward. Typically, a massage lasts between fifteen and sixty minutes.